If you are trying to convert 3 gal to liters you might be asking one of these questions (they are all the same):
- What is 3 gallon to liters?
- What is 3 gal to liters?
- What is 3 gal to L?
Just a quick reminder about the abbreviations. gal=gallons and L=liters.
When you convert 3 gal to liters the ANSWER is 11.356235352.
You can also use this converter to convert any number of gallons (gal) to liters (L):
Also here are the most common gallons (gal) to liters (L) conversions in this table:
Gallons (gal) | Liters (L) | Gallons (gal) | Liters (L) |
1 | 3.785411784 | 51 | 193.056001 |
2 | 7.570823568 | 52 | 196.8414128 |
3 | 11.35623535 | 53 | 200.6268246 |
4 | 15.14164714 | 54 | 204.4122363 |
5 | 18.92705892 | 55 | 208.1976481 |
6 | 22.7124707 | 56 | 211.9830599 |
7 | 26.49788249 | 57 | 215.7684717 |
8 | 30.28329427 | 58 | 219.5538835 |
9 | 34.06870606 | 59 | 223.3392953 |
10 | 37.85411784 | 60 | 227.124707 |
11 | 41.63952962 | 61 | 230.9101188 |
12 | 45.42494141 | 62 | 234.6955306 |
13 | 49.21035319 | 63 | 238.4809424 |
14 | 52.99576498 | 64 | 242.2663542 |
15 | 56.78117676 | 65 | 246.051766 |
16 | 60.56658854 | 66 | 249.8371777 |
17 | 64.35200033 | 67 | 253.6225895 |
18 | 68.13741211 | 68 | 257.4080013 |
19 | 71.9228239 | 69 | 261.1934131 |
20 | 75.70823568 | 70 | 264.9788249 |
21 | 79.49364746 | 71 | 268.7642367 |
22 | 83.27905925 | 72 | 272.5496484 |
23 | 87.06447103 | 73 | 276.3350602 |
24 | 90.84988282 | 74 | 280.120472 |
25 | 94.6352946 | 75 | 283.9058838 |
26 | 98.42070638 | 76 | 287.6912956 |
27 | 102.2061182 | 77 | 291.4767074 |
28 | 105.99153 | 78 | 295.2621192 |
29 | 109.7769417 | 79 | 299.0475309 |
30 | 113.5623535 | 80 | 302.8329427 |
31 | 117.3477653 | 81 | 306.6183545 |
32 | 121.1331771 | 82 | 310.4037663 |
33 | 124.9185889 | 83 | 314.1891781 |
34 | 128.7040007 | 84 | 317.9745899 |
35 | 132.4894124 | 85 | 321.7600016 |
36 | 136.2748242 | 86 | 325.5454134 |
37 | 140.060236 | 87 | 329.3308252 |
38 | 143.8456478 | 88 | 333.116237 |
39 | 147.6310596 | 89 | 336.9016488 |
40 | 151.4164714 | 90 | 340.6870606 |
41 | 155.2018831 | 91 | 344.4724723 |
42 | 158.9872949 | 92 | 348.2578841 |
43 | 162.7727067 | 93 | 352.0432959 |
44 | 166.5581185 | 94 | 355.8287077 |
45 | 170.3435303 | 95 | 359.6141195 |
46 | 174.1289421 | 96 | 363.3995313 |
47 | 177.9143538 | 97 | 367.184943 |
48 | 181.6997656 | 98 | 370.9703548 |
49 | 185.4851774 | 99 | 374.7557666 |
50 | 189.2705892 | 100 | 378.5411784 |
How to convert 3 gallons (gal) to liters (L)?
There are two methods you can use to do gal to L conversion:
1st Method – Multiply by 3.785411784
Since there are 3.785411784 gallons (gal) to liters (L) you can multiply the number of gallons (gal) you are trying to convert by 3.785411784. Therefore, multiply 3 by 3.785411784. Here is the formula:
3 x 3.785411784 = 11.356235352
2nd Method – Divide by 0.2641720524
In order to convert gallons (gal) to liters (L) you just need to divide the number of gallons you are trying to convert by 0.2641720524. Here is the formula:
3 ÷ 0.2641720524 = 11.356235352
Why divide by 0.2641720524 because there are 0.2641720524 gallons in 1 liter.
In case you need to do a reverse conversion from liters (L) to gallons (gal) use the converter below:
Facts about Gallon
A gallon is a unit of volume in the United States’ customary and imperial units. Nowadays three distinct versions are in use:
The imperial gallon expressed as 4.54609 litres, which is or was used in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and some Caribbean countries;
The US gallon (US gal) is defined as 231 cubic inches, exactly 3.785411784 L, which is used in the United States and some Latin American and Caribbean countries.
The US dry gallon “usdrygal” is expressed as 1/8 US bushel, precisely 4.40488377086 L. For both, an imperial gallon and United States (liquid), a symbol of the IEEE standard is “gal”. There are 4 quarts in a gallon and 8 pints in a gallon, which have different volumes in various systems.
The gallon was developed in England as the basis of systems for measuring beer and wine. The sizes of gallons used in these 2 systems varied from each other. One was based on either the ale gallon or the larger imperial gallon and the other one on the wine gallon (equal in size to the US gallon).
By the end of the 18th century there were 3 definitions of the gallon in common use:
– The corn gallon (Winchester gallon), of about 268.8 cubic inches (about 4.405 L) – The corn or dry gallon is used (together with the dry quart and pint) in the US for grain and various dry commodities.
– Queen Anne’s gallon or the wine gallon, which was 231 cubic inches (about 3.785 L) – The wine, fluid, or liquid gallon has been the standard United States gallon since the early 19th century.
– The ale gallon of 282 cubic inches (about 4.622 L) – Britain adopted a close approximation, in 1824, to the ale gallon known as the imperial gallon and revoked all other gallons in favor of it.
In the US, gallons are often used for larger containers, such as one-gallon cartons of milk or half-gallon tubs of ice cream. In the US, as well as some of its territories gallons are also largely used in fuel economy expression. The US gallon is used more frequently than the imperial gallon. Most countries across the world use liters for fuel referencing.
Facts about Liter
Liter, also spelled litre in British English, is a unit of volume with two official symbols in Latin: “L” and “l”. A liter is not part of the SI (International System of Units), however, CGPM (General Conference on Weights and Measures that defines SI, in French – Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures) accepts liter for use within SI. The International System of Units of volume is cubic centimeters (cm3), cubic decimeters (dm3), and cubic meters (m3). 1 liter=1dm3=1000cm3=0.001m3.
in 1795 liter was first introduced in France as a new “republican unit of measurement” that was equivalent to 1 cubic decimeter. Liter was named after litron, a Carolingian, old pre-revolutionary measurement unit. 1 liter of water (liquid state) nearly exactly is equivalent to 1 kilogram because in 1795 gram was defined as 1 cubic centimeter of water at the melting ice temperature point. At the 3rd CGPM conference, in 1901, a liter was defined as the space occupied by one kilogram of water at a temperature of its maximum density (3.98 °C ) under 1 atmosphere pressure. In 1964 CGPM reverted to the prior and now present definition where 1 liter is equivalent to 1 decimeter (dm3).
Liters are used to measure fluids by the capacity and size of their containers. Many fluid consumer commodities are measured in liters such as water, cooking oil, detergents, etc.
If you are looking for more information about gal to L or L to gal conversion visit galtoliters.com.